Monday, May 14, 2007

Spectrum 14 update

My apologies for the long silence here in Blogger land. I've not spent much time in the studio lately, and what little I have worked on I can't really show. My wife recently had surgery that had her laid up in bed, and with a nearly two year old running around, I've been particularly busy keeping my head above water. I've also been working on a small press book cover that I'm actually pretty excited about, though things are getting suspiciously rocky with the contact on it. I'm concerned the deal may be falling through. One way or another I hope to be able to show that work soon...

To keep things moving, here's the work that was accepted to Spectrum 14, with a few tweaks made since it's creation last fall. I just uploaded this to the Spectrum FTP site, so I think I'm all set.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spectrum 14

The Spectrum 14 artist list is up on their website (, and I'm on it!! I'm not sure what piece was accepted yet (though I have a solid idea which of the two is more likely), but I'm happy just to be listed there.

I've got lots of friends who made the list, but a big "woo-ha!" to my other "cherry-break" first timers Dave Palumbo, Arkady Roytman, Mike Dutton and Tiffany Prothero. All four are amazing artists, and I'm surprised none have made it before.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Divide and conquer

At least, that's the idea.

This is another sketch that's been around for a while and plagueing me, but somehow never found it's way to paint. Just a quick acrylic lay in to get the values down at this point. I'm hoping to work this and the axe painting from the last post more or less simultaneously, depending on what gets done when and the dry time on the oils (work on this while the other dries and vice versa). We'll see how that plan works out.

Monday, March 5, 2007

WIP it

I had hoped to finish this piece up over the weekend, but the rains and melting snow, combined with some grading issues in our yard, resulted in a small flood in my basement level studio and home office. Rather than painting, I instead found myself scrambling wildly to get artwork, electronics, and books off the floor, followed up by lots of shop-vac use, water logged rags and a bucket brigade. Oh well. Should be able to wrap this up sometime this week, as soon as I figure out where I went wrong with the perspective on the axe head.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Spectrum entries

I finally worked up the courage to enter Spectrum. Both pieces came out of the amazing "Last Man Standing" competition over at It's a good start to bringing my portfolio up a level, and with another 4 pieces all in varying stages of completion, I hope to have a complete overhaul on my portfolio in the next couple months. (shortly followed by a website). More to come on all of that.