I'll be the first to admit it. I keep telling myself that once I have "a little more" to show, I'll post something. The issue is, I've got artistic ADD right now. I'm in "portfolio mode"-- no paying gigs right now, and so I'm free to work on whatever I want. Sadly, what ends up happening is I work a bit on this piece, a bit on that, and rather than plow through the tough parts of each piece, I put it down to pick up another half finished project. Case in point, the two pieces I was working on last spring (see below posts). Both have received some love, but neither making it to finish. In addition, I've got all these projects in various stages right now, each vying for the attention of my muse.
from top to bottom,
"Thor vs the Jotuns" --an experiment in sketching by photo-compositing, I hate the figure getting hit, so he will need to be taken out.
"When Last I Saw the Sunrise" --Old painting that needs a new life. drawing has been mounted and waiting for paint.
"Arch Enemies 1" and "Arch Enemies 2" --Some thumbnails from a book deal that fell through. I loved these both compositionally (other thumbs were quickly burned) and want to take them to paint
"Grimoire of Ashes"-- sketch from a "peer art directed" portfolio project. I loved the idea, but the composition has gone through about 17 iterations, none of which having worked remarkably well. I've been banging my head against this one for too long, actually, and think it may need to just vanish from my hard drive so I'm not tempted to hurt myself too much more with it.